Folks often ask us, “There are so many books & toys out there - what do you think makes indigrow different?” Well, we thought we would write down what we loved about us (cheeky wink ;-)) and let people who have indigrow in their lives do the rest! So here it is - 10 reasons you MUST HAVE indigrow books, games & songs in your little one’s life! Specially if you’re raising kids abroad or raising multicultural kids.
1. Everyday Culture Play
Culture cannot be restricted to one day or one festival in a year. Culture is part of our everyday lives. And the best way to introduce your little one to any culture is through play!
"Mishika loves the @indigrowkids Memory Match Up Cards and loves placing similar pictures over each other. The other day I was playing this game with her and reading out each alphabet to her and when I said N for ‘Namaste’ she automatically folded both her hands and greeted me. I was so surprised and emotional . Also the ‘Alphabet Story’ Book has become one of Mishika’s favourite bedtime ritual where for each alphabet there is a beautiful story associated with it.”
Rupal Srivastava, New York (@Totallymom_sense)
2. All aspects of Culture, not just religion and language
Our books and games introduce your little ones to culture with all its glorious diversity, incorporating all the beautiful elements that tell us the whole story, not just one page in the book.
" What I like best about in particular is that when @indigrowkids says “Indian Culture” - they mean it in the truest sense of the word. They mean the multi-hued, many-layered, diverse, complex fabric of our nation that has been woven over many years and from the north to the south and the east to the west. Many times, books on Indian culture these days end up being books on “Hindu mythology” and while that is one aspect of our culture, we all know that Indian culture is not a monolith and projecting that way disrespects the unique differences that shaped our collective consciousness. @indigrowkids respects our differences and celebrates them."
Shweta Ganesh Kumar, New York (@shwetaganeshkumar)
3. Truly shareable, for everyone
Our little ones often don't know how to share their culture with their friends. We make it easy for little kids all over the world to play together, to have conversations, to connect over similarities and accept differences, in the most natural way possible.
"I’m truly grateful to @indigrowkids for doing the work to make accessible, tangible, and joyful tools that nurture kindness, empathy, inclusion, and self acceptance. As a kid, I didn’t know how to share my culture with my friends. On the eve of Meena's 1st birthday, knowing that she could share this Book and Flash cards with all of her future friends fills my heart with an abundance of gratitude and joy. Listen up: Parents from ALL BACKGROUNDS can be proud to give these beautiful gifts to their children and teach them to celebrate all cultures and perspectives."
Pallavi Sastry, L.A (@Pallavisastry)
4. Starts a conversation, makes them curious
Our kids depend on us to make sense of the world around them. Indigrow books and games provide our little ones with opportunities to ask us questions, to observe, explore and discover the world on their terms.
"Currently enjoying this cleverly designed A-Z on India Story Book by indigrow. It has so many colourful pictures and it helps me initiate conversations about India with little Avi. Picture stories are the best way to keep him interested for now and I really appreciate the fact that these products are based on culture and not religion or mythology👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻"
Kshama Parikh, London (@Kesarlily)
5. Supercharges imagination
Our little one's imaginations can take them to the furthest part of the world and beyond. We design our goodies specifically to open the door to the magical world of a child's imagination through our delightful cultural universe.
"The world of reality has its limits; the world of imagination is boundless. This is what the A - Z of India Collection by indigrow kids does , it opens up a world full of endless imagination, each character has its own story and can be interpreted in numerous ways. From exploring known animals of Thar desert to other aspects of India, my son's imagination soared to incorporate all of our favourite characters from the A-Z of India Book. He invited them all to celebrate The Famous Desert Festival, where Bijli the buffalo and the Kathakali dancer from Kerala performed a spectacular dance show to the beats of tabla played by Tipu the Tiger and Golu made golas for everyone to help them cool down from sweltering sun. This Book helps your little ones explore and grow with India along with learning alphabets & expanding their vocabulary. "
Seema, Delhi (
6. Nurtures self confidence + empathy
Kids need both mirrors (for self confidence) and windows ( to understand others) in this world. Books and games that highlight kindness and empathy are an essential part of their childhood. That's what we do!
"Shout out to @indigrowkids team for this beautiful book. V’s fav line from the book: “I can see, that black is the only color that’s right for me” My fav line : “ It’s the color that makes me... ME” . Let’s teach our children to accept each color for its undefined beauty. And to love one another for the uniqueness they bring to this world . No matter what the color of your skin is , the soul that spreads kindness sparkles the most !!"
@Thebookprivy (Shruthi Menon) India
7. They keep coming back to it. Guaranteed!
Our little ones are not easy to please. How do you know when your little one likes a book or a game? It's simple, really. They'll keep coming back to it. You'll see!
"@indigrowkids is always our all time fav....just wanted to say how much we love the books & games and it never gets boring. Everytime we turn the pages, Mahika has a new story to tell!"
Manisha, Singapore
8. Modern & Contemporary: Made for today's kids!
We are raising kids in a global, modern world. To make culture relatable for them, they need to see it in a contemporary context. We make this happen. We make culture relatable and accessible for little kids all over the world.
"Back in the day, toys and books related so much to Hindu mythology, or specific festivals like Diwali. But there are SO many more wonderful things about India that are worth sharing with our kids. The super smart peeps behind the brand @indigrowkids have literally done just that, with a fun and modern way to connect interactive products like the giant puzzle, story book, flash cards and memory cards. Thanks @Indigrowkids, I love the items and will be buying them for my friends with kids."
Shireena, Singapore (@shireenasm)
9. Whimsical, Fun, Delightful!
Whether its Bijli the Buffalo who loves Bharatnatyam or Meera the monkey who just can't stop eating mangoes, our goodies bring out the fun and whimsy of culture for little kids all over the world. Our little ones giggle in delight as they witness the antics of Koko the crow, Tipu the tiger & other wonderful characters!
"I grew up in a predominantly Indian community whereas my son will not have the same upbringing due to where we live now. That is where @indigrowkids comes into the picture. I often find that the books or other materials available on the market today to connect kids in foreign countries to India just aren't fun! Indigrow changed the game when they came out with products that are fun yet educational."
Shoma, New York (@themommyspice)
10. It's a matching universe!
Our books, games and songs all live in the same magical world, the delightful characters jump from book to puzzle to songs to games, because kids jump around in their minds too! In fact, it's essential - that's how their brains grow.
"I love their books, but today I want to take a moment to talk about how wholesome their collection is. Apart from the Book, they have a set of On-the-Go-Flash Cards, a Memory Match Up game and a Giant Floor Puzzle to go with it. And every time V calls out the name while doing the puzzle, I can see her learning, and thinking about the focus word. Moment of the day for me- V says, Amma, vanakkam is only Namaste a? She picked up the Vanakkam from our grandparents and Namaste from the memory game. If you're still contemplating buying their book, I highly recommend the Book + the Puzzle or the Memory Match Up Game to go with it."
Vaisihali, Chennai (@ammatoday)
Thanks for reading!
This blog is the copyright of indigrow. indigrow makes delightful books, games & songs that help little ones all over the world discover the magical world of different cultures! Visit us at to check out all of our books, games and songs!
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