Make DIY Red Envelopes | Megan Banks | Free printables
$0.00 SGD
Symbolism is a beautiful way of celebrating culture, right? The little things mean a so much!
Here we have a delightful show and tell video by the lovely Megan Banks, bringing to life an important symbolic tradition of Chinese New Year.
So, what do I get?
You get a show and tell video which takes you through the steps of making your own DIY Red Envelope, along with the story behind it. Megan and her little one narrate their version of the tradition making it fun and easy to follow! Download the printable here to have it ready for when you get the video in your inbox.
How do I get this?
Just add this product to your cart, and you will be sent a download link to the video and instructions within 24 hours. Download the printable for the activity here.
Wait, is it free?
Yes it is! We love to create & curate and this has been put together with love by members of our community. Authors, story tellers and clever moms have put this together for you. So, enjoy and spread the love. Please do share and pass it along!
A little about our creator Megan Banks
Megan lives in Stockholm, Sweden with her husband and one-year old son, Ray. Spending most of her time between Hong Kong and the United States, she enjoys learning and teaching languages, and was a Cantonese and Mandarin teacher during college. After taking a leave because of COVID, she started creating Chinese resources targeted at multicultural families on her Etsy store. She also loves sharing her experience as an Asian American mom raising her little one with Hong-Kong, Taiwan and US heritage on @asianmamajournal.
Thank you Megan for creating this for the community!
Don't forget to check out the other activities in our Lunar New Year Festival Kit!